A recent field trial of LED light fittings demonstrated the new technology can deliver huge energy savings, reduce costs and makes residents feel safer. The study, carried out by the Energy Saving Trust (EST), measured the performance of more than 4,250 LED light fittings installed at 35 sites, and it was calculated that the LED fittings saved more than 3,000,000 kilowatt hours each year when compared with the previous lighting.
Light-emitting diodes have been around for years. Traditionally, they have been used as indicators on electrical devices, such as standby LED Panel Lighting on TVs. This was because LEDs were only available in red, but recent advances means that other colours are now available, and the light emitted is much brighter.
White LED Panel Lighting (used for general lighting) using LEDs can be created via a number of techniques. One example is mixing red, green and blue LEDs. LEDs can also last for up to 100,000 hours, compared with the 1,000 hours of traditional incandescent light-bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps' (CFLs) 15,000 hours. Not only saving on replacement costs of the fittings and bulbs, but also vastly cutting down on the time spent in renewing and replacing older conventional fittings.
The technology is also much more energy efficient, using up to 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs.
The long lifespans and low energy use make LEDs economically attractive because even though the fittings LED Panel Lighting cost more, the running and maintenance bills are lower.
Additionally the colour mix typically produced by LEDs also produces a more attractive, natural and comfortable lighting environment, than conventional lighting., and with the rising price of electricity, the high efficiencies of LED lighting technology will make it an even more attractive investment in the years ahead.
LEDs were once only used in a limited number of products, due to the fact that the colours available were restricted, and it wasn't brought to light that they could be utilised in a far more beneficial way, saving money and energy in comparison to traditional lighting. An example of how LEDs have been incorporated into modern society in exciting new ways, are in ambient lighting and electric candles. They are indistinguishable from real candles, but the flickering lighting effect is produced via LEDs, as opposed to a burning flame. This opens up a whole world of opportunities, as it completely removes any safety issues associated with a burning flame, hence can be utilised in a variety of new ways.